Ayurveda With Ciara
Natural Treatments in Kilkenny City

Prevent and treat illness by maintaining balance and harmony between the body, mind, spirit and the environment.

In September 2022, Ciara opened a treatment room in Kilkenny city where she provides Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultations, a variety of Ayurvedic treatments and she can recommend Ayurvedic herbs, skin and hair products. 

Ciara is a qualified yoga teacher and she has been teaching yoga for 7 years. Her yoga qualifications include 500hrs Hatha/Vinyasa, Yoga for Sports 50hrs, Yoga for Kids 50hrs and Yin Yoga 200hrs. She can also provide private yoga classes and corporate yoga classes.

The Science of Life

Learn more about Ayurveda.

Ayurveda is a natural healing system of India dating back to 3000 B.C. The word Ayurveda means “the science of life” or “the knowledge about life”. Ayurveda is the knowledge that indicates what is appropriate or inappropriate for life, happy or sorrowful condition of life, auspicious or inauspicious for longevity, as well as the measure of life (life span) itself.

Ayurveda is also a system of medicine in a sense that systematizes and applies the knowledge about health and diseases of balanced and unbalanced states of living beings and how unbalanced states can be corrected, restored and balance is maintained. Ayurveda embraces all aspects of wellbeing of living creatures-physically, mentally and spiritually.

According to Ayurveda, health is not merely a state of freedom from ailments or diseases, but rather a state of enjoying uninterrupted physical, mental and spiritual happiness and fulfillment.

Ayurveda originated as a part of ‘Vedic science’. This is an integral spiritual science designed to give a comprehensive understanding of the entire universe, which works according to a single law. Vedic science includes yoga, meditation, astrology, and sets forth ayurveda as its branch to deal with the physical body and includes herbal medicines, dietetics, bodywork, surgery, psychology and spirituality. 

  • Ayurveda Features
  • Ayurveda Aim
Ayurveda Features

Unique features of Ayurveda

  1. Treatment of individuals as a whole
    In Modern Medicine, more attention is paid to correct the afflicted part of the body. But in Ayurveda, while treating a disease, the individual is taken as a whole for consideration. Ayurveda not only considers the condition of the parts of his body, the condition of his mind and souls are taken into account while treating the patient.
  2. Cheapness of medicine
    Ayurvedic medicines are prepared mostly from herbs, which are freely available in nature and hence cost less.
  3. Medicines are free from toxicity
    Ayurvedic medicines have centuries of traditional experience, which shows that they don't have any side effects.
  4. Each medicine is a tonic
    Drugs of modern medicines, except vitamins and minerals are meant only for the patients.. But all Ayurvedic medicines and massages can be used simultaneously both by the patients as well as healthy people. In patients, they cure the diseases and in healthy individuals, they produce immunity against diseases and thereby preserve health.

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Ayurveda Aim

Aim of Ayurveda

Ayurveda has two aims:

  1. Relief of misery of suffering people.
  2. Preservation of the health of healthy people and to help them to attain the four principal aims of life. 

The four aims are: Dharma (doing right things for the wellbeing of an individual and the society, artha (to acquire wealth for the means for livelihood), kama (satisfaction of the worldly desires, passions, etc and moksha (attainment of salvation through liberation and God consciousness).

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Our Treatments
Ayurvedic Treatments

Treat the problems to eradicate the symptoms.

Ayurveda, which means the science of life, is a 5000 year old ancient stream of medicine that emphasises on a very personalised way of treatment that mainly focuses on treating the problems to eradicate the symptoms. 

It is a holistic healing system that goes beyond blanketing your symptoms and offering temporary quick fixes.

Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultations and Ayurvedic Treatments

Our Ayurvedic treatments.

Ayurveda has a wide range of treatments and skin care therapies. These exclusive treatments and therapies not only regenerate the skin, but also impart a profound sense of well-being to the spirit and mind.

Our Yoga & Ayurveda Certificates

Find The Answer
Kilkenny City Yoga and Ayurveda

How Ciara can help you?

Ciara can help you to improve the quality of your life through Ayurveda by helping you to understand your own constitution and creating an awareness of who you are.  This will help you to improve your relationship at home, at work and in your social environment.

Some of the common complaints that Ayurveda can help to deal with include stress, anxiety disorders and sleep disturbances, obesity and weight management.

Ciara can also help with chronic conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, immunological disorders like rheumatoid arthritis and allergies, neurological disorders like Parkinson’s disease, digestive disorders like IBS, respiratory disorders like chronic asthma and musculoskeletal disorders like chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia by sending on your medical history and any health issues after completing your Ayurvedic consultation to her Ayurvedic doctor who would then send on a detailed plan on how to naturally treat your disease, promote your health and bring back balance to your body and your mind. 

Our Yoga classes.

Ciara teaches Hatha Flow and Yin Yoga to all levels from beginner to intermediate in Kilkenny.
Ciara has taught kids yoga in primary schools in Kilkenny city and county. During Halloween every year, Ciara holds a Yoga and Art camp for  kids in Kilkenny.


What our clients say.

Read latest news.

Ciara has written some blogs which she will update monthly. Through reading her latest blogs, you will learn more about how Ayurveda can help you to deal with stress, treat and prevent acne and the benefits of the ancient herb Ashwagandha.

Our gallery.

In Ciara’s gallery you can view photos of her yoga classes, her self yoga practice, her yoga graduation days in Ireland and in India and her Ayurvedic lifestyle consultant course in India at PVA Ayurveda and at Katsura 5 Ayuryogashala.