About Ayurveda
Ayurveda is a natural healing system of India dating back to 3000 B.C. The word Ayurveda means “the science of life” or “the knowledge about life”.
Ayurveda is the knowledge that indicates what is appropriate or inappropriate for life, happy or sorrowful condition of life, auspicious or inauspicious for longevity, as well as the measure of life (life span) itself.
Ayurveda is also a system of medicine in a sense that systematizes and applies the knowledge about health and diseases of balanced and unbalanced states of living beings and how unbalanced states can be corrected, restored and balance is maintained. Ayurveda embraces all aspects of wellbeing of living creatures-physically, mentally and spiritually. According to Ayurveda, health is not merely a state of freedom from ailments or diseases, but rather a state of enjoying uninterrupted physical, mental and spiritual happiness and fulfilment.
Ayurveda originated as a part of ‘Vedic science’. This is an integral spiritual science designed to give a comprehensive understanding of the entire universe, which works according to a single law. Vedic science includes yoga, meditation, astrology, and sets forth Ayurveda as its branch to deal with the physical body and includes herbal medicines, dietetics, bodywork, surgery, psychology and spirituality.